Priča o jelovniku

Revlein Bistro Experience


Served plate with food and wine
Refreshing decorated cocktail
Decorated plate with food
Refreshing cocktail with slices of orange
Decorated plate with food
Refreshing decorated cocktail
Decorated plate with food
Refreshing decorated cocktail
Served plate with food and wine
Refreshing decorated cocktail
Decorated plate with food
Refreshing cocktail with slices of orange
Decorated plate with food
Refreshing decorated cocktail
Decorated plate with food
Refreshing decorated cocktail


S našim salatama od morskih plodova, carpacciom od hobotnice i drugim ukusnim specijalitetima koji hvataju suštinu mediteranske kuhinje.

Naš chef

Florijan Lepeš

Chef working
S strašću za okus, svježinu i kreativnost, Chef Florijan donosi svoje stručno znanje u svako jelo, osiguravajući iskustvo koje oduševljava osjetila.
Chef working

“Naravno, najviše me veseli kada je gost zadovoljan hranom i kada uspijem u nečemu novom što sam pokušao. Jedan od najboljih osjećaja je uspješno obavljena usluga.”

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Revelin Bistro experience
Revelin Bistro experience
Revelin Bistro experience